Publications about the town or its people of Plattsmouth, NE.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska lies at the confluence of the Platte and Missouri rivers. The people of Plattsmouth are proud of their small town's rich history, of their strength and determination as a community. They also share something that larger towns cannot, something that for generations has helped unite them and shape their very lives. What they share is a community-wide excitement on fall Friday nights, the rush of a close game, the heartbreaking losses, the exhilaration of a big win - what they share is the Plattsmouth Blue Devils. Go Blue Devils: A History of Plattsmouth High School Football, 1893 -1979, by former Plattsmouth resident Jim Elworth, presents a one-of-a-kind account of a high school football team and the town that has rallied around it for more than one hundred years. Elworth's comfortable and at times humorous prose brings us season after season of game-day excitement, rendered in detail from years of researching and writing. But Go Blue Devils! is more than a story of game scores. It is a history of accomplished, hard working, down-to-earth townspeople. It is a history of the town itself, told through the exploits of local boys giving their all on the fields of sport. It is a story of those local boys inspiring their community and going on to live rich, positive and valuable lives.
I found the book on under the search parameters of : Go Blue Devils! A History of Plattsmouth High School Football, 1893-1979
Cost was $3.99 - $36.95 depending on format of purchase.
Published on Nov. 22, 2011 via Amazon listing on July 22, 2018
I was told by a classmate of 1968 - some of our classmates of 1968 and probably more are in this publication, The bio says year by year highlights (1968) was in this publication
click on link below or search for the tittle
Cost was $3.99 - $36.95 depending on format of purchase.
Published on Nov. 22, 2011 via Amazon listing on July 22, 2018
I was told by a classmate of 1968 - some of our classmates of 1968 and probably more are in this publication, The bio says year by year highlights (1968) was in this publication
click on link below or search for the tittle
The other High School event... it took a lot of my time before and after school and all PHS Football games.
Blue Devil Marching Band
Always marched at half time events. Also at local area town parades
and regional marching and concert band contests.
BAND page images - need more!
Mr. Jack Herweg and Marcia Thun 1968?
Do they have a book of history of the "BAND" for is was another pride and joy of Plattsmouth in the 60's and beyond:
In the 60's the other high school extra curriculum function that classmates were offered was the BAND, that also marched up and down MANY streets and some of our BAND members were also athletic team members.
The "BAND" also won MANY awards and Medals and Trophies and many "Superior Ratings" at state for marching and concert band appearances.
It was the Plattsmouth Blue Devil Marching Band under the direction
of Mr. Jack Herweg (deceased - 1980's?)
August 2018 Alumni Newsletter by steve on Scribd
This file was sent to All Alumni members on the roll of membership to my knowledge of P.A.A., ....therefore I will share this with you as an Alumni member. ALSO there is A CLASS IMAGE OF THOSE PRESENT ON SATURDAY EVENING.
Another image of the class is MORE people taken Friday at the VFW HALL. (better) view this website under...1968 Baccalaureate drop down and Friday evening.
Please consider the BAND fundraiser request, you can donate as much as you feel comfortable with
even buy a HAT or even an entire uniform.
Now of someone could conceive a BAND Book, that would be super and I'd buy.
(not looking for a job - Mrs. Herweg would be an excellent source of info, yet she moved to Texas)
Another image of the class is MORE people taken Friday at the VFW HALL. (better) view this website under...1968 Baccalaureate drop down and Friday evening.
Please consider the BAND fundraiser request, you can donate as much as you feel comfortable with
even buy a HAT or even an entire uniform.
Now of someone could conceive a BAND Book, that would be super and I'd buy.
(not looking for a job - Mrs. Herweg would be an excellent source of info, yet she moved to Texas)