Commemorative Pins made for each President for his/her term of office. Some had the whole executive board members, some just the Presidents name.
These were distributed to the membership during the year and at events of membership attendance. I had the honor of having a 2 pin back of the pin clamp - it was unstable with one pin as a holder due to the size. In 2006-2007 I was VERY PROUD of my state association and being president and wanted everyone to know creating a LARGE PIN Stephen Miller |
Not sure which print publication - probably
Omaha World Herald in 2005? |
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Bylaws files are kept (?) with the Secretary of the Incorporated organization in file with the Nebraska Secretary of State?
This above version is from 2009 ? Notice the number of PAGES
This above version is from 2009 ? Notice the number of PAGES
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Bylaws files are kept (?) with the Secretary of the Incorporated organization in file with the Nebraska Secretary of State?
This above version is from 2014 ? NOTICE the number of pages...!
This above version is from 2014 ? NOTICE the number of pages...!
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In 2005 we had over 40+ suppliers who strongly supported this association, paid sustaining membership fees and some came to our state conferences ...where have they all gone?
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This was sent along with conference materials to possible new members via an InfoUSA list generated by request to encourage more photographers to visit us at our conferences and more.
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File say 2009 application form ? Not sure, yet only visible date is 1997.. UNSURE, yet maybe the Code of Ethics are applicable?

ppn_membership_2012.jpg | |
File Size: | 2166 kb |
File Type: | jpg |

ppn_financial_2012.jpg | |
File Size: | 2153 kb |
File Type: | jpg |
These are OLD files, let the number of membership- ALL categories totaled over 250++ total membership, suppliers, life, retired and etc. ...same as the President's Book for 2006-2007 Miller yet the book has it all...NOT posting the EXCEL file which these came from....! THE list says "ACTIVE" membership, then we had other categories...WHAT a fantastic (at that time) group of participating and involved membership.